jewelry company

Stone-cutting works, the press

The catalogue of products / Stone-cutting works, the press

Stamps - Masonry work did not give their position! "Russia is a real unique deposit of stones, largely differ in their coloring and structure. If we consider the ornamental colored stone, which is often referred to as patterned, it has long been famous for it booty in Russia. Such stones were used for different purposes, it could be the construction of palaces, created decorative architectural elements and interior items. Among the famous rocks should be allocated malachite, jade tile agatovidnoy having a reddish-brown color. Gradually the purpose of these stones was also used when creating jewelry. We should not forget that interest manifested itself to rocks and well-known Russia Tsar Peter I. The use of jasper, porphyry, malachite, lapis lazuli and rhodonite to compile enough tracks jewelry has long been the norm. Every business person can already be noted on individual details. But when the press is made of gold, precious stones and unique design, the small things they are almost impossible to call. They have become the distinctive elements of individual style of the owner. We should not forget about the peculiarities of style interiors, skillfully-chosen print will benefit his stress. The site you are presented with exclusive models that have been recognized by visitors really in demand.

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Saint-Petersburg, tel. +7 (981) 845-77-71, 8 (911) 090-47-52,
Moscow, tel 8 (916) 639-24-73,